Healing Services/Contact

My services work equally well in physical meetings and on distans. If you want a physical meeting, you are welcome at my place on Smörgatan in Gothenburg, let me know what you want in connection with your booking.

 I will be happy to help you feel which healing treatment you need if you feel unsure. 

 All healing services include chanelled messages/guidance after the session

Galactic healing is the highest possible healing I offer and it clears really deep blockages by removing the root causes so that you can be free from e.g. karmic relationships that prevent you from moving forward or letting go of the old. The healing raises your energies very high and opens up your heart chakra deeper than other healing for more powerful emotional healing. The high energy boost gives strength, courage and desire so that you can more easily start following your heart fully.

Healing with Ascended Masters is deeply transformative and powerfully raises your energies and consciousness so that you can more easily effect positive changes for your highest good. The healing grounds you so you feel safe and balanced. Read more via the link below.

At Goddess healing, the Goddesses that you need during the healing session will come. The healing is very warm and loving and increases your self-esteem and self-confidence so that you can more easily go your own way. Read more via the link below

At Angel Healing, different archangels work to raise your energies, clear blockages and balance different chakras based on what you need. Special guardian angels help heal physical discomforts linked to energy sensitivity, eg fatigue, dizziness and headaches. Read more via the link below.

In spiritual healing, I act as a channel for various high spiritual energies and the healing energy goes where you need it most. The healing energy activates your own ability to heal on multiple levels, healing old trapped emotions, healing your inner child and speeding up your physical and mental healing. Read more via the link below.

In Spiritual Guidance I use Tarot and Oracle cards, my intuition and channelings from guides, goddesses, angels and higher masters, you can also receive messages from loved ones on the other side. My guidance helps you gain greater clarity, new insights, understanding, hope and power regarding your personal and spiritual development, your current life situation and the future. Read more via the link below.

30 minute distance healing for your animal (one or more). The healing is stress-reducing and healing, both physically and mentally on several different energy levels. Subsequent conversations with channeled guidance about your animal are included.

Book a healingsession by emailing me: jejstardesign@gmail.com


Galactic healing is the highest possible, it clears really deep blockages  and carmic relationships by removing the root causes to your blockages that prevent you from moving forward or letting go of the old. Galactic healing raises your energies to verry high levels and opens up your heart chakra deeper than other healing for more powerful emotional healing and it also unlocks your heart so you can start to feel your heart's true calling. your new high energy gives you the strange you need to start your soulwork.

Press the link below to book this session ore email me if you have any questions.

Contact me

J Star Design

Smörgatan, Göteborg


Insta: jstarlight