Godess Healing

Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Gaia and Hestia are some of the Goddesses who stand for the Sacred Feminine and are the feminine aspect of the divine, humanity and creation itself. The sacred feminine is the embodiment of compassion, empathy and unconditional love. 

At Goddess healing, the Goddesses that you need during the healing session will come. The healing is very warm, bubbly (joyful) and loving and helps you heal on a personal level so you can stand firm and strong in your feminine power. The healing helps you to increase self-esteem and self-confidence and creates a balance between the masculine and the feminine within you. 

During the healing, you get help to clear away what prevents you from standing in your feminine power with all that that it means, it can for example be about becoming more loving towards yourself, setting loving boundaries, daring more, speaking from the heart, simply becoming more true to yourself and your needs. 

Price 800:-

A selection of Goddesses 

Aphrodite - Goddess of fertility, love and beauty 

Artemis - Goddess of the Hunt 

Athena - Goddess of wisdom and war

 Demeter - Goddess of growth and fertility 

Eire - Goddess of Peace 

Gaia - Mother Earth 

Hera - Queen of Heaven 

Hestia - Goddess of the home

 Cybele - Mother Goddess 

Nemesis - Goddess of punishment and retribution 

Nike - Goddess of Victory 

Pheme - Goddess of gossip 

Tyche - Goddess of Fortune


A beautiful and soft healing that felt like an embrace, but still a feeling of becoming primordially strong. Female power for sure! The head received a soft tingling rain over it and the feet felt like they were drawing power from mother earth herself. A warm and loving feeling went through my body, so nice! Still feeling warm and soft :)


Always as powerful to carry out your healing sessions, what a bodily impact your healing has, so cool. If there is a goddess of love, she was there and sent a message about what real love feels like and I felt true and real love, something I have never felt before. I understood that if I dare to let go of old feelings and failures and be open to love, I will win everything I want. Several of my chakras were intensively worked on and I can still feel how they are being worked on even though the healing is finished. I don't know how to describe it but through your healing you activate everything that I need to work on healing" 


"Thank you Wow what an experience! I was so deeply relaxed and I felt my body vibrate with energy at the end. My body tingled and it felt like someone lifted a weight off me. I feel lighter and happy now afterwards. Such an awesome experience and I've probably never felt so strongly that something is really happening inside of me. And the Goddesses that you told me came up were spot on! Right now I'm going through some old things connected to love and heartbreak to be able to open up and receive new Love" 


"the evening's goddess healing offered tremendous bodily sensations. It started with a warm spine that I had never experienced before. Pressure on the heart that radiated up to the shoulders with an icy sensation. The feet burned, but also hands and head. Finally, my whole self was wrapped in energies it felt like. Such loving and powerful healing! Made me let go of heartache, I could really understand this after we were done, I got so much help! Thank you for another step deeper into the heart and soul with nice healing" 


Book a healingsession? Pay for your session in "book a service" and follow the instructions. Email me to: jejstardesign@gmail.com if you have any questions.