Ascended Master Healing

Healing with Ascended Higher Masters are sometimes equated with angels, especially Archangels, but the Ascended Masters are in a higher dimension than the Archangels and have incarnated on Earth and lived as humans before they ascended.

Therefore, the ascended masters have a deeper understanding of both the positive and negative aspects of what it means to be human. This means that they have exceptionally good conditions for guiding and healing people with both love and understanding. 

Ascended master have in various ways made a big impression on the history and development of humanity and have achieved enlightenment during their incarnations and have thus been able to rise from the limitations of the incarnation.

The Ascended Masters are here to assist humanity in their ascension process and to help us understand the questions and lessons that arise in this life. Ascension is about raising our vibration and thus our consciousness. We raise our vibration by releasing our shortcomings, gaining insight and balancing out our karma. 

Ascension is about becoming your own master. Healing with Ascended Masters is deeply transformative and balances your chakras and your entire system, bringing calm and harmony both physically and mentally and raising your vibrations and consciousness so you can come to new powerful insights.

If you have a lot of imbalances in your chakras, several healing sessions may be needed and it is important to also work with the root causes of the imbalances.

Price 800:-


"Wow, what a powerful healing it was. Felt how they held my hands, head and legs. The feeling afterwards can be compared to euphoria, absolutely fantastic! I had 3 different dreams last night and almost couldn't sleep afterwards because I was so excited! Yes, this was a delicious healing for me:)"


I was in a group healing but forgot about the healing, as I was filled with emotions during the day. Despair, anxiety, anger and more. Everything had been a jumble and I felt incredibly tired. At the time of the healing, I slept on the sofa at home, so I didn't consciously feel it. But afterwards I felt hopeful and calm. The message I received afterwards felt so clear from where I am right now, thank you"


"I had a thousand thoughts back and forth in my head (I'm a twin in the sun and the moon) and right when the healing started, it felt like someone(thing) shut off my thoughts. I was like reset and my body became completely rigid, as if it was in a box or embedded.and i got the feeling of being scanned from top to bottom over my body. I also got the feeling of "channel" or like a portal above me (at the heart or just above the stomach) up to the sky, something flowed from me or up, or the other way around, from top to bottom. I felt safe and I felt/feel held, thank you! 


I felt the healing very strongly in ALL the chakras, a very intense, strong and powerful feeling. It started with a tingling sensation in the face and body and a powerful feeling in the root chakra, then I am filled with energy and feel how it starts to work strongly in my chakras, especially in the Root Chakra and I suddenly see a blonde, very beautiful girl with a horse and it feels like we know each other. She has so much joy in life and she smiles at me, it's magical! 


"Yes, the evening really offered new energies! Enormously powerful and my feet, hands and heart chakra were on fire. Went all the way up to my neck. Was completely under the ice with a headache and anxiety before you started. Now after I am completely full of new energies and feeling refreshed and ready! Thank you so much, so grateful for this healing"


Book a healingsession? Pay for your session in ”book a service” and follow the instructions. Email me to: if you have any questions.