Archangel Zadkiel

Zadkiel helps us feel mercy and compassion towards ourselves and others and gives us the inspiration to want to forgive (both ourselves and others) and feel compassion. Forgiveness sets us free. He also helps us see our own worth, which increases our self-confidence.

When you call on Zadkiel, you can also get help in releasing anger or other negative emotions within us. Zadkiel also helps us remember important things, such as facts and other information. He also helps with emotional healing, he replaces our negative energy with positive and loving energy. Even old painful memories can be healed and things that we have forgotten can be brought to light so that we can release these blockages and replace them with loving memories instead.

He also helps us get balance in our thoughts. For example, it could be about a situation that you feel you are not handling in such a balanced way. By calling on him, you can get his help in gaining new perspectives and being able to develop.

Crystal: Lapis Lazuli, Blue Chalcedony and Blue Bandagat Chakra: Crown Chakra