Archangel Sandalfone

Sandalphon helps everyone, no matter how small it is that you want to ask for and he can then help you actually feel ready to receive them when they come so that negative emotions, fears and thoughts don't get in the way of what you desire.

Sandalphon also assists Archangel Michael by removing fears and the negative effects that can come from fear. Sandalphon can also help you live in truth, integrity and being able to deal with other people in a friendly but firm way. He is also considered to help increase understanding of and the importance of community and collaboration. He also helps us keep the balance between different things such as light and dark or heaven and earth.

Sandalphon is also considered the angel of music and helps to guide and inspire you who work with music and can provide support if you start to doubt that it is the right path for you or your ability when, for example, you will start playing a new instrument.

If you are an empath and a sensitive soul who is easily influenced by other people's energies, then Sandalphon is a wonderful angel to work with. He is very humble and reassuring. He likes to encourage us to listen to loving and harmonious music. It can be very calming to take a walk with music in your ears or to have calm music on while you do Yoga, for example.

Since Sandalphon has a very soft energy, it is important to be extra attentive if you asked for an answer to something. Often the answers can come in the form of words or music that you hear inside. So trust what comes to you.

His color is Turquoise. Crystal: Turquoise