Angel healing

Angel healing balances your chakras, reduces stress, raises your energies, grounds you and clears/removes blockages that hold you back from living in harmony with your heart and soul. The healing relieves or reduces various pains in the body and gives peace and tranquility to your entire system. 

Angels, Archangels and Guardian Angels are beings made entirely of light. They consist of pure energy that vibrates at a very high frequency. The angels are powerful, wise and loving messengers who can help us in all areas of life. they protect and guide us, as well as inspire us to action. 

In angel healing, I act as a channel for the angels who assist in your healing session. Different angels give healing depending on what you need at the healing moment. 

If you have a lot of imbalances in your chakras, several healing sessions may be needed and it is important to also work with the root causes of the imbalances.

After the session I call you up and share channeled messages, advice and guidance from my Healing guide.

Price 800:-


"Thank you Jenni for a very nice moment. I did Angel Healing remotely and received a nice message afterwards that really resonated with me. There is quite a lot going on in my life (also inside) which can be stressful and after the healing I felt lighter, calmer , more grounded and feeling better, which was very nice and much needed. An incredibly nice session and I highly recommend it and Jenni"!


"What an amazing moment! Came into a deep relaxation in just a few minutes, body became completely heavy and calm. Bubbling in the legs and pulsating waves over the body. A soft hand rested on my forehead for a moment, pressed lightly against the third eye. Dozed off briefly and saw a sequence of me swimming down to the scary depth of the water, scared of not being able to breathe, and found that it was actually perfectly fine there, just unfamiliar, and I could breathe even there in the unknown depth. I felt so held and safe. And nice to feel that there were so many of us who were involved in the healing at the same time ❤️ thank you Jenni Johansson ❤️" 

Linda A

"I first felt a warm feeling over my chest, then a nice deep relaxing current through my whole body. The angel healing felt very loving. I also received guiding messages that were right. I can warmly recommend Jenni as a healer" 

Mary A 

"Went to Angel healing with Jenni and marveled at how strong the healing was even at a distance. Similar to the first time I was with Jenni then in the same room. A healing session to say the least with nice rewarding conversation afterwards with messages I needed to hear, I feel reminded and strengthened.Thank you! 

Anna W 

Thousand thanks! It tingled in the body, especially the legs and arms and felt a slightly frozen feeling. I think your messages agree well and are really self-evident but need to be repeated and reminded of. Thank you so much. 


The healing was wonderful, the body worked and was filled with energy and love. It felt like it was flowing through the body! Louise Thousand thanks! It was a nice experience. Physically felt several problem areas in the body and like feathers tickling under the nose and chin. Also felt great warmth and calmness in the body. It was an awesome experience! 


Book a healingsession? Pay for your session in "book a service" and follow the instructions. Email me to: if you have any questions.