About me

My name is Jenni. I work as a healer with several different healing methods, have transformational healing/guiding talks, give medial guidance and make handmade healing gemstone jewelry. Among other things, I have trained in Spiritual healing and Spiritual guidance with Liselotte Blomberg (life on the go) and Life Coach Holistic and Holy Fire Reiki II with Helena Omfors (Lightworker Academy). 

I have had various medial experiences since childhood and always felt that life is so much bigger and more magical than many people think. When I moved into a new apartment in Stockholm about 7 years ago, I began to physically sense various energies around me and shortly after that I discovered my own natural healing ability. This became a turbulent awakening that led me to begin seeking spiritual courses and healing to find out more about myself and all the medial events that I experienced daily.

The trainings and my spiritual experiences led me to listen more inwardly and a long, sometimes painful journey towards self-love, personal and spiritual development began and still continues after 7 years. Among other things, my journey has helped me to see my own needs much more clearly and to set clearer boundaries both for myself and others.

This spiritual journey has been challenging on several different levels as bit by bit I have had to release old programming and trapped painful emotions but at the same time fantastic and extremely developing and exciting, both on a spiritual and personal level. Today I am grateful that I can work spiritually in different ways and for the development and joy it brings to help other people who are going through similar experiences. My greatest drive is to help people see themselves and their inner light more clearly, and I use my accumulated experiences, knowledge and abilities today as valuable tools for just that!