My name is Jenni and I provide energy healing and spiritual guidance from Guides, Higher Masters, Angels, Goddesses and loved ones on the other side.

Do you feel that you have difficulty letting go of, for example, old feelings, situations and people that prevent you from living your life to the fullest? Do you want to clear blocks, conscious or unconscious, that hold you back from standing in your strongest and brightest power? Do you find it difficult to feel and live your life based on true self-love, understand your life purpose or yearn for more clarity in life? Regardless of who you are and what your life situation looks like, I can help you move forward. You can find all the information about my services here on the website, but you are always welcome to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns.

You can find more information about me, guiding collective messages and other things via the link below.

Do you want to book a session with me?

Pay for your session in "book a service" and follow the instructions. Email me to: if you have any questions. I feel in what kind of healing you neef if you feel unsure. 

Short healingguide

Detailed information about my healing services can be found in "my services"

Galactic healingThe highest energy healing possible, cut deep blockages and karmic ties. Opens up the heart chakra so you can begin to feel your heart's innermost desires so you can start doing your soulwork.

Angel healing: Archangels heal and balance different chakras based on what you need, e.g. Archangel Chamuel heals and heals the heart and navel chakra (love, emotions), Archangel Mikael provides clarity and clears stagnant energy from your energy fields. Special guardian angels relieve/heal physical discomfort linked to energy sensitivity, e.g. dullness, dizziness, headaches due to collective energies or energies from other people.

Spiritual healing: heals your inner child so you become free of old challenging emotions, also heals emotional old wounds. 

Higher Masters: their energy is higher consciousness and they powerfully raise your energies and raise your consciousness, they also balance your root chakra so you feel safe and grounded. 

Goddess healing: helps increase your confidence and self-esteem, helps you walk your own path

Handmade jewelry and spiritual messages

A small selection of my handmade jewelry - You find my webshop on my swedish site

All jewelry comes with a short personal spiritual guidence sent to your email ☀️


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